During November 2021 the share market dropped due to fears of a new strand of COVID. October 2021 showed signs of recovery however the gains were lost within the month. I invested in mining lithium and Facebook shares to increase my holding for the month. Cryptocurrency continued to perform strongly with a pullback at the end of the month. I took up some reward offers with Coinstash offering some additional crypto for purchasing during November.
The Superhero Account dropped with the impact on the Tech shares. My website has been back up and running although due to the drop out I have had to focus on rebuilding traffic. I have now commenced a new online e-commerce store and look to develop the store over the coming month to be able to start dropshipping a product. You can read some of the tips for starting an e-commerce store here.
Goals November 2021
I dropped below my Superhero short term target of $18,000. The Pearler balance target has been achieved rising above $4,000. There is beginning to be a trend of stability when comparing the returns of the Pearler portfolio to the value stocks in the Super Hero portfolio.

Superhero Account
The Super Hero portfolio dropped in November with the COVID outbreak and poor performance of Australian shares. I acquired some Facebook shares and CXO to increase my long term holdings. I would like to continue investing in global shares and ETFs as a priority.
Pearler ETFs
Firstly, I held off from investing in ETF’s this month to purchase some shares in the Super Hero account. Secondly. I would like to invest in some US ETF’s for December month. However, it may be a lower investment given the Christmas month with other outlays taking priority for the month.

Cryptocurrency – Coinstash
There was a small investment in the Coinstash portfolio investing in Cardano (ADA). I wanted to get a small exposure to some of the other crypto coins that have some value in increasing over time. I have only invested a small amount given the high volatility and high current price of crypto. Therefore, I will slowly dollar cost average over time to give me exposure to this asset class.

Looking Ahead
Next month, I will hope to recover the Super Hero portfolio above $18,000 again. For ETFs, I would like to reach $5,000 (5%) of my goal by the end of the year. For cryptocurrency, I want to invest $200 in another new coin to give greater exposure to the portfolio. To achieve these goals will need to continue to make small investments into the different portfolios. However, I would like to continue to build the investment portfolios to reach my end of year targets.