Share Tracker

During December 2021 there was a slight recovery in the share market however there are still setbacks from the new strand of COVID. November 2021 was in a similar position and made a small rally from Christmas time. This month I chose to invest in crypto and Apple shares to diversify my holding into other markets. The cryptocurrency market was volatile in parts however the overall trend remained steady. I took up some reward offers with the app Social Good offering some additional crypto for meeting a minimum purchase amount.

The Superhero Account remains low this month with the drag of Australian tech shares. There was a slight recovery from the previous month however I would like it to recover further. I received a 3 monthly payment for the ads on the website covering some of the costs of running the website for the year.

Goals December 2021

I didn’t reach my Superhero short term target of $18,000. The Pearler balance was also steady as I chose to build the emergency fund. The returns for the year in Pearler were well short of the performance of the S&P 500 and have made me reevaluate my reliance on the Australian share market.

Super Hero Portfolio
Super Hero Portfolio December 2021

Superhero Account

The Super Hero portfolio improved in November, I acquired some shares and CXO to increase my long term holdings. I would like to continue investing in global shares and ETFs as a priority.

Pearler ETFs

Firstly, I continued to hold off from investing in ETF’s this month to build emergency funds in my account. Secondly. I am waiting to have a stronger cash flow to invest surplus funds. Given that I will be starting a new job in the new year this will free some additional funds that can be invested into the Pearler account in the future.

Pearler December 2021 Portfolio
Pearler December 2021 Portfolio

Cryptocurrency –

Firstly, this month, I decided to review the online crypto exchange Secondly, the platform was chosen for the opportunities of staking crypto. Thirdly, I decided to invest in the coin (CRO) and Polkadot (DOT). Furthermore, I chose to stake these coins in order to receive a 10% Annual Percentage Yield. However, whether these coins continue to offer a high return is unknown. Therefore, I have only invested a portion of the funds available given the high volatility and high current price of crypto. I may look to invest in Meta coins to take advantage of the access to new technology within the crypto space. Wallet

Looking Ahead

Next month, I will hope to invest more within the Super Hero portfolio to increase it above $18,000. For ETFs, I would like to reach $5,000 (5%) of my goal by the end of January 2022. For cryptocurrency, I want to invest more in staking coins to earn a passive income stream. To achieve these goals I will look to work over the New Year and build up surplus cash. This has been a great year for investing and I look forward to seeing what can be achieved next year.

